Due to the winter weather and unsafe conditions, today’s service (February 16) and Living Free tonight are canceled. Please stay safe and warm, and we look forward to gathering together again Tuesday!
Find a Ministry at ALC
Childrens Ministry
Dayton Kidz! It’s time to get excited – Jesus has come for more than just the big people! He is moving at the Apostolic Lighthouse Church of Dayton and wants you to come get in on the fun! Join our exciting youth and children ministry every week for Sunday School at 10am. You will enjoy fantastic music, skits, experiments, games and snacks at Biblical sized proportions!
Youth Ministry
Dayton Youth! It’s time to step up and step out for our faith in God like never before… and we want you to be a part! If you are looking for a church youth group that is sold out to Christ, look no further than Ablaze Youth at the Lighthouse!
Hyphen Ministry
Looking for a place to escape the demands of College and Career? Check out IGNITE: a growing ministry comprised of students and young professionals from all walks of life that have found their secret of success in a relationship with God.
Ladies Ministry
Ladies! Are you ready for you and your family to experience the fullness of God’s plan in your lives like never before? Get connected with the Women of Faith at ALC! This growing ministry comprised of beautiful women from all walks of life has been nothing short of miraculous. Every week testimonies are springing up about the wonderful works of God in our Ladies. Healing, Salvation, Deliverance, Restoration, and more!
Mens Ministry
Strong Men make Strong Families & Communities. So often the thought process is that the church thing is just for the women and children… and while church is absolutely a place for everyone, we believe that Men hold a vital role among the assembly of believers. We are determined to see our families, communities, and lives transformed by the power of God. Join Pastor Smith and the Men of ALC this Sunday at 7am for a special time of prayer, and watch God begin to work something supernatural in your life!
Singles Ministry
Few things can be more difficult than serving God by yourself… so don’t! Link up with the amazing community of Singles at the Lighthouse. We have specifically entitled our group, “Single, Not Separate” for just that reason – we are not a fellowship of people that have been left behind but rather we are a vibrant community of believers that God has called to a special place of ministry and we would love for you to be a part!
Sidewalk Sunday School
Dayton Kidz! It’s time to get excited – Jesus has come for more than just the big people! Our portable church on wheels houses our monthly neighborhood outdoor children’s church. A great time of puppets, games, action songs, food and giveaways help share the gospel message in an exciting way that kids enjoy and understand.
Living Free
Leave changed! No matter how your life has been touched by addiction, you can live free! Addiction can come in many forms and wreak havoc daily while leaving lives unrecognizable. There is freedom, there is hope! If you or someone you know is touched by addiction then come join us at 2221 Harshman Rd Dayton, OH.
Connect Groups
Connect groups are a key aspect of our church community. Most meet bi-weekly in the home of a group member (usually the leader’s home). We try to keep them limited to about 12 people. If you can’t find an open group, please let us know!
Spanish Ministry
Spanish Ministry is a key aspect of our church community. Experience the power and presence of God in our Spanish services at ALC Dayton.
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ALC Ministries
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Stay connected to ALC. Check event details, join a connect group, manage your giving, and more all in the ALC Church Center app.